Friday, August 6, 2010

Always ask why...

Why do we behave the way we do….
Why people are so different from one another….
I think many times about these questions and I try to reason a particular human behavior
This is my first attempt to write my thought process
I talk with my friends Amit n Amit on these subjects and we try to find a logical explanation for certain questions…

For example, few people find any work that they do very interesting…Why???
Just think about the things that you find interesting. Let’s assume we are studying maths. My statement is, ‘If we start understanding what we are doing at any stage then we develop interest in that subject/thing’. Suppose you are solving some equation and you have understood the method or basic concept very clearly then you can solve any equation of that type and you start finding the subject interesting. Same is applicable in life everywhere. If you quickly understand the work that you have to do you find it interesting. Thus I think the people who find anything interesting have amazingly sharp grasping ability.
Of course you become master at a particular work after lot of efforts, practice and dedication but I am just speaking about developing the interest in some work. Let’s consider another example. Let’s say you have joined driving classes. And first day was amazing for you. You understood each and every instruction from your teacher. You also drove the car for a while with good control. Now imagine how you will feel about the next driving lesson… won’t you be excited for the next lesson!!!
This was a very simple example. But more or less the same logic applies to all things in life. I know there are other contributing things as well like appreciation/encouragement, proper teaching, will power etc which can trigger an interest in a person. But unless you understand, you won’t feel the subject interesting. Thus those with quick grasping ability will be happy doing anything and thus they should do as many things as they can.

Why do people believe in GOD???
I think that human beings are mentally weak by nature. We need the belief that somebody is behind us and protecting us. And as rightly put in the movie ‘3 Idiots’ our heart believes what we tell him with conviction. ‘All zz well’. When we pray in mandir/masjid/mosque/church we develop sense of security. But why does this happen! Well because from the child hood we are being told the stories about an almighty person who created us and controls our lives. We are made to believe that he is watching us all the time and he is there for our help. We are made to believe that he always helps the good people and punishes the bad. We are made to believe that the creator GOD never rejects the prayer of his faithful follower. People say that this belief makes you a stronger person. Do you think so!!
Think about this question. Who do you think is stronger, a person who believes in himself or a person who believes in somebody else (may it be GOD)? A person who takes the responsibility on himself or who asks for favors?
I will divert from the subject a bit and I will tell you the theory that I have about ‘how the GOD came to existence?’
…. In very initial times of human evolution when people used to live in groups. When they used to hunt daily for their food, keep moving from places to places in search of food and shelter. You can imagine that they were more or less like the monkeys and their brain was still developing. Now in such groups the powerful and strong males will definitely use their strength to dominate the rest of the group almost like the politicians do today. There must be a lot of unrest in a group. But there are always few fast developed brains around us. They must have thought that we have to do something so that we can control such a large group of people and maintain peace in the group. Now they cannot tie up everybody who behaves wild. So the smarter way would be virtual policing. Make them believe in a system which says that you will be gifted if you will be nice and thrashed otherwise. Show them some miracle which they cannot decipher and thus believe in anything we say. Once we make them believe in what we say then just brainwash them with GOD concept and it will spread just like a language spreads in any population. …

That’s what it is….a brain wash and nothing else
I will end this discussion by saying that ‘When we fail to answer logically, fantasies starts popping up’
There were things which we didn’t know in the past and our intelligent people were ready with some fantasy stories. Some fools found out the real explanations behind such things and those sweet stories vanished. Similarly we have many sweet stories today just to get erased in the future…

Many such questions coming soon...